Posts in Photography
Its Easter Again
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I’m Back !!. I know it has been a long time since I have last checked in, Im back now and ready to pick up where I left off.  Since my last post a lot has happened, including an international move from Toronto, Canada to Melbourne, Australia. This is a new city for me and while it is an amazing exciting place to be,  although it will take me some time to get to know all the hidden gems that it has offer. Not to mention a new addition to our family will arrive at the end of June. So things have been rather busy to say the least. 

My little guy has spent the day excitement and a sugar daze. Hunting for eggs at every turn, we kept hiding the eggs that he had already found to make the fun last as long as we could. In all the excitement he wasn’t counting everything he had found, and, I guess at only four years old he was easy to trick. Growing up we usually got music tapes or cassettes and one giant egg. I am lucky that Elliot loves to play dress ups and he wasn’t totally focused on all the chocolate but the adventure of finding all the treasure and perhaps even finding the Easter Bunny himself.

The last 12 months has been a journey and exercise in the art of patience and learning to accept a certain amount of chaos in your life. You could be the most organized person in the world and yet you will still find yourself at the mercy of other people and companies. I have moved a lot and I have learnt what to stress about and what to relinquish control of. I hope you all enjoyed your Easter break and I will be posting another story soon.

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Dear Mommy
Dear Mommy| MOTHER & CUB-1.jpg

Happy Mothers' Day to everybody out there. I have had a wonderful two weeks leading up to Mothers day filled with Mini Sessions. So many little cuties and beautiful mothers, many were first-time parents, got me thinking about Motherhood.

Before I became a parent I had no idea what Motherhood would be like. During my pregnancy, I was offered insights by other mothers about what in my life will change. I think that I deliberately chose the philosophy that ignorance is bliss. I really wasn't interested in listing to anything that would challenge my idealistic outlook that things will only change if you let them and that I was in control. Needless to say that I was in complete shock when I realized just how much control I didn't have, over anything. And that yes, everything does, did, and continues to change. 

I have this constant distraction, that even when I am not with them I am still thinking about them. This tiny little creature depends on me for everything and loves spending time with me so much that they will hang off me and always smiles when they see me.

My son makes me feel like I am one of the Beatles. But, would I trade that in for a sleep in? Maybe just an hour  


I hope you all had a wonderful day.

Even though my husband did forget (yes he did) I still got to be one of the Beatles.

Nothing is better than that.

new additions
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This post is dedicated to all those first-time parents to be and parents preparing to welcome another child. Last year my dear friend from my Mother's group was expecting her second child. She was the first of our little group of first-time mothers to venture into new territory of parenthood and become a mother of two. I thought that she was so brave, if it were me, I would have been in a panic and a constant state of anxiety anticipating the struggles that were ahead of me, like thinking about all the sleep I would have to go without.


For me the baby fog only really lifted when my son had reached the age of one, that's when I finally felt like I had some idea of what I was doing as a parent and I began to relax into the role. While watching my friend it occurred to me that I never took the time to embrace my own pregnancy, it was just something I got through. It is only now upon reflection, that I wish that I had made the effort to enjoy this temporary phase of my life and embrace all the good with the bad. Now that I realize now how lucky I was to have this experience and if there is a next time I will make the effort to appreciate it.


I noticed that my friend from Mother's group seemed to take everything in her stride and she even made it so look easy. She even had that elusive pregnancy glow that I heard so much about, but never had myself, she was glowing and positive and although I know she was tired she was always positive. Since I have moved to Canada there have been a few more additions to our Mother's group. I do miss these ladies and their beautiful bubs, if I could have I would have loved to have documented all their journey's. However, I was lucky enough that my beautiful glowing friend allowed me capture this special time in her life before I left Australia.

Congratulations to all of you and your new additions.

Miss you

Kate xo

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Tales of a Reluctant Cook

I love a good cooking program, relish them even, especially when there is an element of travel involved. I love to travel and I have found that my experience was always enhanced when I sampled the local food.  I was never really interested in cooking until I discovered that trough food can almost be transported to new places as well as reminisce about somewhere you have already been.   So whether its in kitchen with Jamie Oliver, snacking with Nigella Lawson, buying groceries at the Marché with Racheal Khoo, or planning to eat like local Rick Stein in India, there is always something new to learn. 


Although I know my way around the kitchen I do prepare food out of necessity I can honestly say that "I am no cook !"  I plot, I plan, I have the best intentions but alas the meal never looks our tastes like you want and as a result I'm reluctant to spend time and energy into trying something new.  I'm on a new health kick at the moment, so I'm not supposed to be eating any sugar, so off course when I sat down and scrolled through Pinterest for appropriate recipes, naturally my focus went in another direction entirely. And as in order to justify using up all the things that I cant eat I stumbled upon a recipe for a Cinnamon and Coffee Streusel Cake. It untimely reminded me of a trip to Germany and walking past a bakery and looking at all the tasty treats.  


I have never been a keen baker, I often take shortcuts and it was only after watching Rachel Khoo's Little Paris Kitchen is discovered the magic of butter. Yes sometimes butter really does make everything better.  After about two or so hours I had my own streusel, it looked glorious. After carefully removing from the tin and drizzling the coffee icing on top I transported the masterpiece carefully into my set so I could photograph it in all its glory.  Although the cake looked amazing, it did not taste that way.... it turns out that I forgot one of the eggs and only half the about of butter. Oh well at least I have some beautiful shots for my blog.